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Julie Hadden spent most of her life battling her weight. She went from a chubby kid to overweight adult and finally after marrying and having a baby found herself classified as morbidly obese.

Her story is one that millions can relate to. With the very best intentions of putting everyone and everything else ahead of herself - at the end of the day she was the last thing on her list of priorities.

After years of bad habits in relation to her health and nutrition she felt she was spiraling out of control. In what she considered a desperate long shot, she auditioned - along with 250,000 others - for a chance to be cast as part of Season 4 of the hit NBC reality show "The Biggest Loser." As one of eighteen contestants selected, she embarked on a journey that chronicled her emotional battle with obesity on national television for the entire world to see.

It was previously a private struggle that became very public. But the process transformed Julie's life and to her own amazement has provided inspiration to others as well. On December 18, 2007, Julie became the "Biggest Female Loser" of Season Four; finishing as First Runner Up to the overall title. She lost nearly 100 pounds (which translated into a staggering 44.5% of her body weight).

Her participation on The Biggest Loser has opened many doors for her. She has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live, The 700 Club, The Hour of Power, Access Hollywood, Extra, Inside Edition, Entertainment Tonight, E! Entertainment Television, the Canadian television show "Reality Obsessed", as well as in numerous magazines and print publications throughout the U.S. and abroad.

She has worked as a special correspondent for “Got Milk?”, done commercial work for Nordic Track, and writes a weekly article for Julie is a sought-after speaker often addressing groups by sharing her story and providing inspiration on healthy living, fitness and how extraordinary things really do happen to ordinary people. But she's quick to tell you that being on reality TV isn't the "extraordinary" thing that happened to her. It's the total transformation: body, mind and spirit that came from what she's been through.

Julie is the author of the book entitled "Fat Chance, Losing the Weight, Gaining My Worth."

She also continues to be active within her own community and is an outspoken advocate for Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Awareness.

She is committed to maintaining a healthy body weight, “Post Biggest Loser,” with a dedication to good nutrition and regular exercise which also includes motherhood duties to her two sons.