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A licensed psychotherapist, Megan turns solid psychology into practical tools — PsychToolsTM. Her clients consistently report lasting changes, personally and professionally, from Megan’s motivational training sessions and keynotes.

Megan’s presentations are as fun as they are informative. A lifelong performer (and graduate of Miami’s prestigious High School for the Performing Arts), Megan spent several years as a television news reporter before earning her M.S. in counseling. She knows how to captivate an audience. Her ability to entertain while she educates keeps her keynotes and seminars in high demand.

Megan is a National Certified Counselor, a Licensed Professional Counselor, and a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Before transitioning into full-time public speaking, Megan ran a successful private practice in Dallas for seven years.

Megan has been described as “charming and selfless… she gives a lot to her audience.”

People frequently say, “I could listen to her all day. It’s relevant to my own life, instead of just theory.”

From large keynotes to intimate retreats, Megan gives people and corporations the tools they need to build success. As a psychotherapist, Megan transforms psychology into practical tools; as a performer, she makes learning fun.

Join companies like FINA Oil, the Better Business Bureau, and McKinsey & Company by building success with PsychTools™.