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DR SIMON CROOM is an expert in global supply chains and psychologist specializing in psychopathic leadership behaviors! He has been featured widely in the media in the UK, US and Australia, and has published over 100 technical papers on sustainability, business strategy, supply chain success and personality disorders in executives. He is an experienced keynote presenter and has lead many intensive workshops for business leaders.

He started his career in England working for Jaguar Cars, then worked in a number of engineering firms before founding his own highly successful retail businesses. He is now a university professor ad acknowledged expert in global business, particularly the management of global supply chains. He is also a psychologist, a member of the American Psychological Association and British Psychological Society. Simon a recognized international supply chain expert.

Simon is thus not a typical business academic – in addition to his business experience he has served as an advisor to Governments on their supply operations and technology strategies and is a consultant for a number of well known corporations – consequently, he brings a rich tapestry of experience to provide fascinating insights into how organizations work, why they succeed, how they fail and what can be done to lead on the national and global stage.

Simon offers unique keynote programs which can be customized to fit in with the exact theme of his client’s event, and given at either 60 or 90 minutes in length. Simon’s keynotes are insightful, memorable and entertaining with a typical British dry humor!