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Cheryl Agranovich


Cheryl’s message is all about identifying the Vital Signs in our organizations. She’s created a 4-step framework for boosting organizational health, vitality, and stamina long before it’s too late. She also creatively links her keynote to existing well-being resources to increase participation rates and support.

Vital Signs

Like our bodies, our teams, employees, and organizations are constantly sending us signals which we choose to ignore. Disengaged employees. Lack of creativity. Hostile interactions between team members. We write these off as random occurrences, just like we ignore that nagging stomach pain or headache. We get one body for life. We are not renting a space that we can change when we break down. The way we feel every moment depends on how we are feeling physically and emotionally – crucially interconnected factors.

If you want an organization that goes the distance, powered by people who are engaged, creative, and in-touch with their own personal well-being, it’s time to stop ignoring those vital signs. And Cheryl has the proven framework to make it happen – her keynote will inspire audiences to take charge of their health.