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Unleashing Transformative Conflict Resolution

  • Discover the secrets to conducting effective and emotionally intelligent mediations.
  • Dive deep into the cognitive distortions and emotional triggers behind complex disputes and learn behavioral methodologies to navigate intense conflicts.

This engaging and dynamic keynote challenges traditional thinking with innovative mediation strategies to advance attendees’ standing as a highly sought after practitioner.

Executive Summary

Dr. Debra Dupree addresses the complexities of mediation by focusing on the emotional and psychological underpinnings that intensify conflicts. She emphasizes the importance of soft skills in understanding and navigating the human aspects of disputes, showcasing through case studies how these skills lead to ethical and effective resolutions. Her approach transcends traditional evaluative methods, advocating for a deeper, more empathetic engagement with the parties involved.

By equipping attendees with advanced communication strategies, Dr. Dupree illustrates how to transform the mediation process. The emphasis on emotional intelligence and cognitive awareness enables mediators to foster lasting resolutions, making the process not only more successful but also more meaningful for all parties involved.

Learning Points/Objectives

  1. Identify the cognitive distortions and emotional triggers that contribute to emotionally-intense disputes in mediations.
  2. Understand the importance of soft skills in mediation practice and their impact on successful resolutions.
  3. Explore innovative approaches to mediation practice, encouraging creative thinking and out-of-the-box solutions.

Attendee Take-Aways

  1. Insights into the human aspects of mediation and the role emotions play.
  2. Behavioral strategies to effectively redirect emotionally-intense disputes toward closure.
  3. Innovative approaches to mediation that challenge traditional thinking and open up new possibilities for productive resolutions.

Related Programs

Breakout: Managing Emotional Dynamics in Mediation

This breakout session dives deeper into the world of emotional dynamics and people relationships, empowering participants to navigate emotionally-intense disputes with confidence and skill.

Half-Day Workshop: Emotional Intelligence in Conflict Resolution

This half-day professional development workshop focuses on practical conflict resolution skills to help attendees navigate intense disputes with finesse and grace. Through a combination of experiential learning, case studies, and interactive discussions, attendees gain a deeper understanding of emotional intelligence and its connection to conflict resolution.

The workshop begins with an exploration of the links between emotions and conflict, highlighting the importance of emotional awareness and regulation to the successful resolution of disputes. Participants engage in immersive exercises to hone their active listening skills, cultivate empathy, and develop strategies for creating safe boundaries while building an environment of inclusion and connection.

Unlocking the Power of Influence: Bridging the chasm between communication and connection

Explore the mindset of today’s most influential leaders and uncover the four keys to effectively redirecting others towards actions that align with your goals. This engaging keynote shows attendees how to develop their influencer status and gain a competitive edge by emulating some of the world’s most highly respected leaders to elevate impact and create a legacy of connection.

Executive Summary

The ability to impact and influence others is crucial for success. Whether you’re a job hunter, consultant, salesperson or business owner, capturing the attention and support of others is the currency of achievement. This keynote explores the mindset behind today’s leading influencers and reveals the four keys to effectively and ethically redirect someone’s thinking towards actions that align with your goals.

This engaging and thought-provoking keynote dives deep into the behavioral levels of impact and influence. Dr. Debra illustrates a pathway for attendees to develop their influencer status strategically. Participants gain valuable insights from top business schools’ teachings and technology programs to gain a competitive edge in today’s fast changing business environment.

Learning Points/Objectives

  1. Gain insight into the mindset of influential leaders and the keys to their success.
  2. Discover strategies for redirecting someone’s thinking ethically and persuasively.
  3. Learn the four keys to influencing others and applying them in daily interactions.

Attendee Take-Aways

  1. Deeper appreciation of the relationship between communication and connection in all aspects of persuasion.
  2. Practical strategies for ethically redirecting someone’s thinking towards desired actions.
  3. Inspiration and motivation to elevate their own influence and impact on others.

Related Programs

Breakout: Beyond Communication

This information-packed breakout session shows attendees how to achieve influential connections with peers and prospects alike. Dr. Dupree – The MINDSET Doc – illustrates some of the most impactful aspects of relational influence, and models the way for participants to build strong and meaningful connections.

Through real-world scenarios and storytelling, Dr. Debra highlights how to connect with others authentically. She reveals practical strategies for building trust, fostering empathy, and leveraging effective communication techniques to create lasting connections that drive positive outcomes.

Half-Day Workshop: Mastering Relational Influence

This half-day workshop is a unique opportunity for your team to deepen their understanding and application of relational influence. During this engaging 4-hour session, Dr. Debra Dupree – The MINDSET Doc – guides participants through a series of interactive exercises, group discussions, and practical case studies, empowering them to build stronger and more meaningful connections to drive positive outcomes. This workshop is designed to inspire, educate, and equip your team with proven strategies to enhance their interpersonal skills and elevate their influence within your organization.

The Power of Effective Communication: Building Climates of Courage and Curiosity

Unlock the secret for transforming confrontations into conversations where people feel heard, valued, and respected. Dr. Debra Dupree, a renowned expert in leadership development, positive psychology, and the neuroscience behind human behavior, provides attendees with simple tools and techniques to enhance their communication skills and confidently navigate challenging interactions.

Executive Summary

Genuine connection is often overshadowed by miscommunication and tension. That’s why it’s crucial for organizations to create environments where individuals can truly be heard AND feel heard. Join Dr. Debra Dupree, a sought-after speaker and authority on building effective communication strategies, as she shares her expertise in transforming confrontations into conversations that foster inclusion, understanding and connection.

Dr. Debra draws from both her professional and personal experience with unresolved conflicts within her family-owned business. Through the lens of brain science and emotional reactions, she uncovers the underlying factors that disrupt productive communication. Attendees gain a deeper understanding of the barriers to meaningful conversations and learn to replace them with curiosity and courage.

This engaging keynote presentation is tailored for leaders, professionals, and organizations seeking to create climates of courage and curiosity. Dr. Debra equips attendees with practical tools and techniques to navigate tough conversations, assert their voice, and resolve conflicts with empathy and respect. Through her expertise in leadership development, positive psychology, and neuroscience, she empowers individuals to show up as their best selves and make future-forward choices.

Learning Points/Objectives

  1. Understand the neuroscience behind communication breakdowns and emotional reactions.
  2. Identify common barriers to effective communication and learn strategies to overcome them.
  3. Cultivate curiosity and courage for inclusive environments and essential mindset shifts for productive conversations.

Attendee Take-Aways

  1. Enhanced communication skills to navigate challenging conversations with confidence.
  2. Increased understanding of the neuroscience behind conflicts and emotional reactions.
  3. Empowerment to resolve differences and build meaningful connections through effective communication.

Related Programs

Breakout: From Conflict to Collaboration: Navigating Tough Conversations with Confidence

Dive deep into the secrets of transforming confrontations into productive conversations in this interactive breakout session with renowned communication expert Dr. Debra Dupree. Gain practical tools and techniques to navigate tough conversations, set safe boundaries, and foster collaboration.

Half-Day Workshop: Transformative Communication: Navigating Tough Conversations with Confidence and Collaboration

This mind-shifting half-day workshop, led by renowned communication expert Dr. Debra Dupree, enhances participants’ communication skills and equips them with the confidence, finesse and grace to navigate tough conversations.

Through interactive exercises and practical insights, attendees learn to foster collaboration and build stronger relationships within their teams and across your organization.