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Kathi Burns


“Our members absolutely loved Kathi Burns’ Supercharge Your Image presentation. Everyone was able to take something valuable away from it…great, simple tips that will allow us to dress better for our figures and even have more organized closets.”


“Great job. Fast paced and interesting.”
“Packed full of useful information. Don’t change a thing.”

SIMPLIFY! Organizing Expo

“Kathi was the speaker for an IWN event (Intuit Women’s Network) at our San Diego sight in conjunction with a We Care and Give Back shoe and purse drive. Kathi was a natural choice to invite to speak because of her expertise in organization and image consulting as well as her passion for Dress for Success. We feel that her presentation was relevant and her approach was great. We loved the Q&A and her willingness to answer questions on the spot! Intuit would love to have Kathi back to share more of her knowledge…we look forward to women coming together and feeling empowered.”


“Very instructive and enlightening.”
“Clear outline of organizational issues. Very good.”

Guardian Financial Securities

“Very informative, fast paced and interesting.”
“So much fun, I learned a lot. Keep up the good work!”

Social Services League of La Jolla

“I can’t believe I didn’t know about the basics.”
“Now I’m inspired to tackle my closet! Thanks.”

San Diego Women’s Network

“Good solid info without fluff. Well done!”
“Great tips, very practical.”

Professional Business Women of San Diego

“This was the best attended program we’ve had this year. Your information was practical and useful and can be easily applied to everyone’s situation. We will definitely invite you back again.”

Rancho Santa Fe Senior Center

“Loved what you said today about ‘space’ at the GOG Business Explosion. Without ‘space’, both physical and mental, it is harder to function. Still working on clearing space and I can always make it better, but I do appreciated the benefit that space provides. It’s sort of like a computer that needs a certain amount of memory just to do the simplest things and cannot do it without having sufficient memory or hard drive space.”

Dana Green Esq.

“I have had Kathi come to speak to a variety of teams when I was a Director of Marketing at HP. On one occasion she helped us understand a “busy mom’s” home life as we were designing a home printer. Her ability to bring our customer’s busy day and home setup to life gave us many new ideas for how to consider the design solution for this new printer. Kathi also came to talk to a team of women about executive presence. The bootcamp seminar was well received and gave the women some tips on how to present themselves appropriately and with confidence as they aspired to grow in their careers. I would highly recommend Kathi for any speaking engagement.”

Lori Lorenz

Vice President Marketing

American Specialty Health

“Kathi Burns gave a presentation at a San Diego Good Ol Gals luncheon, and absolutely loved her message. I purchased and read her book “How to Master Your Muck” and learned some quick, real-life strategies to run my business a bit more efficiently. Even though I’m an organized person, she added some new techniques to my repertoire which really made a difference. I really would encourage anyone to read her book.”

Tammy Rimes, MPA

Procurement Consultant & Executive Director

National Cooperative Procurement Partners